Friends of the Uxbridge Free Public Library

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Become a Member

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Join the Friends, renew your membership, or make a
donation using our Unipay platform!

Annual Membership Fees:

Senior/Student – $5
Individual Membership – $10
Family – $20
Sponsor – $50 & above

Your membership helps fund:

  • Library programs and activities
  • Museum passes to attractions throughout New England
  • Annual staff appreciation luncheon during National Library Week
  • The annual Summer Reading program and other library reading challenges

Click here to join or renew online!

If you would like to send a check instead, please complete a print membership registration form and make your check payable to the Friends of the Uxbridge Library.

Send or deliver to: Friends of the Uxbridge Library, 15 North Main Street, Uxbridge, MA 01569

Next Meeting: February 6 at 6:30pm

February Meeting Information

Meeting Agenda

Prior Meeting's Minutes: (forthcoming)

Director's Report: (forthcoming)

Who We Are

The Friends of the Uxbridge Free Public Library is made up of people like YOU! The Friends of the Library is a non-profit 501c3 organization whose purpose is to support and promote the library's services and programs and to stimulate public support and community involvement on behalf of the library. Follow us on Facebook for the latest Friends news.

If you have any questions or would like to get involved with the Friends, please send an email to If you are directing your email to a specific Board Member, please include either their name or title in the subject line.  The Friends' email is not checked daily, so please be patient for a reply. 

Attend Meetings

The Friends typically meet on the first Thursday of the month from September to June at 6:30 PM at the Library. All are welcome. 

Executive Board Members

President: Debbie Baisley
​Vice President: Laura Derderian
Co-Treasurers: Jackie Wheelock & Jill Psuik
Membership: Meg Janci
​Nominations: Kay Klos
Secretary: Gail Newcombe
Publicity: Madonna Terlizzi

Sharon Ross
Laurie Hubble Brown